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The Crash, The Bailout And The Theft Of Ireland’s Resources

February 22, 2011

As Ireland’s government steers the country into an economic black hole there are many of us left scratching our heads as to why they are not using the massive wealth of this nation to fund the recovery and our future, and to tell the bankers where to go with their imaginary gambling debts.

As I’ve watched this country self-destruct over the last two years since the derivatives bubble was burst, I ask myself why is it happening? Why in a country rich with investment, talent, and resources and with a reasonably healthy economy with good exports, is the whole thing spiraling into a never ending cycle of un-payable debt? Believe me it is un-payable, just like all the third world debt issued by the IMF and World Bank before this.

We all know by now that the bankrupt international banks, who issue credit out of thin air, crippled the industries that support our jobs and thus our economy and sent the whole world crashing into what many believe from understanding history, is a deliberate recession from which, as history shows, the main banks will once again come out the other side more wealthy and larger than before. One need only look at the 1907 and 1929 crashes to see this consolidation process in action in the years that followed.

None of us Joe Public were in particularly problematic debt. Just the normal loans for a home and a car, nothing special. Nothing we couldn’t manage on our salaries. Yet still here we are now indebted, by the actions of a government with no mandate, to the tune of around €18,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. The interest alone will cost around €3,000 per year in extra taxes for every working person in the country before any of the principle loan is paid off.

So how are we expected to pay back this loan for a debt that we never incurred in the first place? A debt that only exists in the ups and downs of market values and shares in a fictional world of computerised credit, and not a single solid asset in sight. Yes, you guessed it. We are to pay the fictional debt with our real assets. Those being our labour, our children’s labour and our grandchildren’s labour, as well as the selling off of our public services to private corporations owned by the banks to be run for profit by them. These will include our roads for tolling, our health services, our utilities like the ESB and Bord Gais, and our water suppliers, even our ports and airports.

It doesn’t stop there though because as well as these institutions and all their associated assets, which will undoubtedly be asset stripped, the bankers are looking to take our €20+ billion of national pension fund which has been accumulated to pay the pensions of the people of Ireland in just such a difficult period. Finally, and the nub of this article, the international bankers will be given by our government the country’s tangible wealth in the form of land, minerals, our forestry, and most importantly our fuel resources in gas and oil.

Unbeknown to most people in Ireland, this country is one of the wealthiest countries in the world for natural mineral wealth. An inspection of the applications for mining licenses will reveal among other precious minerals like zinc and lead, a wealth of silver and gold buried under the ground. In fact the volumes of minerals found in Ireland per square mile make it the richest country in the world for mineral deposits. This is very valuable and why this has not been exploited is unexplained. Yet there is another kind of gold that Ireland possesses in spades that is being exploited now. The black gold !

Off the west coast of Ireland there is an enormous volume of oil and gas. The government (Dept. of Communications, Energy Natural Resources) themselves valued west coast deposits in 2008 at €540 billion although the price of oil and gas then was a fraction of what it is now. This is a resource that could give everyone in Ireland free energy in the same way that Norway funnel their oil wealth to their people, and still make huge profits selling energy to the UK and Europe.

The Corrib oil field currently being exploited by Shell, that we hear about for all the wrong reasons, is the only oil and gas field the public are aware of, but there are huge basins of oil and gas known to exist off Limerick and Kerry. One in particular called Dunquin gas field which is a proven field and is described by the operator (Exxon/Mobil) as “one of the biggest fields in the world” containing an estimated 25 trillion cubic feet of gas and over 4 billion barrels of oil. This alone could keep Ireland running for over 60 years.

The reserves off the west and north west coasts in total have been estimated at around 130 billion barrels of oil and 50 trillion cubic feet of gas. A virtual underwater Saudi Arabia. Yet it doesn’t end there. The Lough Allen Basin is a huge inland gas field in the northwest which has been known for some 40 years now and contains 9.4 trillion cubic feet of gas. Enough to power Ireland for the next 25 years but it has has yet to be tapped. There are known fields off the south coast that have yet to be announced.

Furthermore, new oil and gas basins have been announced this year off the coast of Dublin by Tony O’Reilly’s company Providence Resources and it’s UK partners. O’Reilly is also partnering Exxon in Dunquin. The east coast fields have been estimated in the hundreds of billions in value to Ireland and yet along with the riches of the west and south, the inland gas and the wealth of minerals that we are literally tripping over here, we are still bankrupt ! Does this make any sense to you?

Unfortunately over the last 35 years successive governments have eliminated all of Ireland’s rights to capitalise on it’s own resources. They have legislated away their percentage share of the gas and oil down from 50% to 0%. Yes zero. So the oil and gas is wholly owned by the oil companies royalty free. Successive ministers like Ray Burke and Bertie Ahern have been instrumental in this process which even saw the reduction in tax on oil profits to only 25% where other countries charge almost 70%. This also is only payable after all exploration and development costs are deducted as well as future decommissioning costs which effectively negates the corporation tax too.

Ireland should be the richest country in Europe with the majority of Europe’s oil and gas and fishing waters, as well as the richest mineral deposits. Yet our government has given the fisheries away to the EU, many of the mining operations are owned by foreign companies and now all the energy reserves have been given away to large multinational companies who are under no obligation to even sell the gas or oil to Ireland and we will be forced to buy our own gas and oil back at market prices from the oil giants.

This situation cannot possibly be accidental. The legislating away of our resources was a deliberate act and in this writers opinion it would seem to be a criminal act of some description. This kind of intergenerational legislative deceit could only be done with cooperation and foreknowledge and looks on the surface to be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in the history of the state.

It even far exceeds the apparent fraud of the bank bailout wherein we the people are paying off UK and German banks, who held high risk bonds in bad banks, by using loans from the very same UK and German banks to pay their bonds, and we are charged interest for the privilege of bailing out their gambling debts to boot. Does this seem right to anyone except our politicians? Nobody of sound mind could fail to see the deliberate fraud of this and the role being played by our government in assisting this.

When the government accept this IMF bailout they will be relinquishing control of the nation and handing over the financial management of the country to the IMF, which in effect is only a front for the UK and German banks that funded the bailout. It is therefore they who will decide that Irelands assets are sold off and to who. Watch this space and we will find with very little investigation that subsidiary companies of the banks may well benefit greatly from this fire sale.

Already Bertie Ahern in his cushy new job as head of the International Forestry Fund, a corporation set up by a Swiss financial services provider Helvetia Wealth AG, is bidding to buy and privatise Coalite, which controls all Irelands forestry. This would mean 7% of Ireland’s land mass would be in the hands of one of these international banks. It was a recommendation of the An Bord Snip Nua report in 2009 and the appointment of Ahern in 2010 tells me that this was probably already a done deal before the bailout ever reared it’s head.

The level of collusion to pull off this takeover of assets has to go to the highest levels of government in order to orchestrate this over such a long period of time, because not only was the oil and gas legislation nullified but so was the banking control legislation in the same period.

Indeed if we look to those people who have been in positions of power and also regularly attended secret meetings like the annual Bilderberg meeting or the Tri-lateral Commission meeting along with all of these bankers, oil companies, other multinationals and politicians in Europe and worldwide, then we may be seeing the root of the conflict of interests of our own politicians and should ask who are they really working for?

If these meetings aren’t shady enough it is made more suspicious by the fact that the Tri-lateral Commission meeting this year was held over three days in Dublin this Spring, without ever getting a mention on the national news despite 300 of the world’s richest and most powerful people being in Dublin and being dined by the President.

If we want to know why we are being asset stripped, then this is a good place to start to find your culprits, and perhaps these are he questions that people should be asking the election canvassers this week instead of who is going to fill the potholes?

Are the military’s scientists playing God with our planet ?

April 19, 2010

This is a question on many people’s minds these days. There have been ever increasing revelations of secret military projects past and present, ranging from mind control to biological testing on the public, which have remained largely buried until recently. The speed and access to information afforded by the internet has now combined with good old fashioned detective work using freedom of information requests and trawling through declassified documents, and has enabled researchers to piece together the true history and nature of some of these projects. One of the most current and infamous of these projects is HAARP.

HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program and is a US military facility in Gakona, south eastern Alaska. It is run jointly by the US Navy and Air Force and the main focal point of the facility is a field of linked antennae which together can direct massive amounts of energy, in the form of high frequency electro-magnetic radiation, into the upper atmosphere.


Officially the facility is for research into the ionosphere which is a highly charged layer of the earth’s upper atmosphere that protects us from the sun’s radiation. When questioned about what they are doing there we are told that it is used to re-create the effects of the sun and can also simulate the northern lights. No other definitive uses are admitted to, so why would the military be interested in painting colours in the sky?

Well, if we go back through the history we will find out. This technology was patented in 1987 by Bernard Eastlund (US patent 4,686,605) and was designed to the backdrop of the cold war and Ronald Reagan’s space based “star wars” missile defence hoax. What Eastlund’s purely security minded motives had led him to invent was a ground based defence shield. His list of uses for his invention include disruption of land or satellite based communications including radar to affect enemy aircraft or missiles; destroying planes or missiles; deflecting missiles by lifting the ionosphere hundreds of miles out into space.

These all seem like reasonable goals for a futuristic defence system. So why is this of any concern? Well, because the nature of this system allows it to travel along the natural magnetic field lines of the earth, Eastlund expresses the potential of this system to affect not only the local area but much farther afield. Long time HAARP researcher Dr Nick Begich believes that it has the potential to shut down all other communication systems around the world, excepting their own, by flooding large ares with electromagnetic waves. A weapon this powerful in any nation’s hands is a worrying development, and especially in the hands of a country that might be building an empire.

Now we are all aware of how the military will take any and every new technology for peace and turn it into a weapon of war. Look at the humble microwave, used for ovens and telecommunications, yet it has recently been turned into a microwave canon that can burn the skin of protestors when fired at by police. So using this invention for offensive measures is a perfectly reasonable assumption. Remember also that this technology was designed in the early 1980s when computers were only first marketed, so imagine how much further the technology will have advanced if it paralleled the IT industry’s advances. With this in mind there are now plenty of educated observers who are rightly questioning HAARP on a number of sinister possibilities. Indeed there are many follow on patents held by military contractor Raytheon, who now run HAARP research for the military, that Dr Begich explains detail the weaponised uses of the antennae array.


The original patent declared it to be capable of weather manipulation. Indeed if you heat a portion of the ionosphere and lift it hundreds of miles into space it stands to reason that the air from below and beside the rising mass will rush in to fill the void. This will cause dramatic changes to the high atmospheric wind patterns. Eastlund also describes how to carry particles into the magnetosphere to either deflect or absorb more sunlight.

It should be noted that HAARP is not the only facility of it’s type in the world. The US will only admit to running three currently, but other estimates have put the worldwide number as high as 76 facilities owned by many different countries. Indeed there has always been paranoia in the US that the Russians were using scalar wave technology to wage weather wars on them. They have had an Office of Weather Modification in the Whitehouse since 1952. This technology was and is very real and was so worrying that the UN drafted a resolution in 1974 that limited weather modification to ones own borders and banned it’s use as a weapon. With all this going on for the last few decades and this technology being used worldwide plus decades of aerosol spraying, it does bring into question the motives of governments claiming climate change.


One of Eastlund’s other clams was that the system can be used to bounce back extra low frequency waves (ELF) to earth to communicate below ground, with submarines for instance. The estimates of the power now being shot up into the atmosphere from HAARP are in the billions of Watts, so when you consider that it only takes a mere 30 Watts of power using ELF to vibrate the earth enough to locate oil, coal and gas then you can understand why many scientists are wondering what a billion Watts would do when aimed at a fault in the earth and vibrating at the correct frequency. So have the US really perfected the earthquake machine?

This can only be speculated of course but we can look for unanswered questioned, like why was the HAARP usage data for the day before the Haiti earthquake erased, and why was there a US “excercise” for tsunami relief to Haiti running at the exact same time? Coincidental ? Perhaps, but these “exercises” coincidences have happened too many times now. Further the incidences of earthquakes have shown a marked jump since this facility went fully online and there have been a number of surprising events like Haiti, the Asian tsunami and even last weeks Icelandic volcano that have happened without any significant seismic activity preceding them and have scientists asking questions.. Whether this is due to a directed ELF wave or because the earth is reacting to the damage being done to it’s finely balanced natural power grid, the questions need to be answered.

The belief in this weapon exists at the highest levels as demonstrated by the Chinese accusing the US of causing the 2008 Sichuan earthquake based on scientific information given to them by Russia. With this in mind it should be noted that Eastlund referenced and expanded upon the work of Nicola Tesla for his invention. Tesla was the pioneer of the rediscovery and use of the earths natural energy fields, and before the end of WW2 he claimed to have invented what he termed the “death ray”. On Tesla’s death all his research immediately “disappeared”, no doubt into the Pentagon.


Eastlund also proved that HAARP could piggyback a second signal and direct it to a target for communication purposes. However this fact also means that the potential for mass mind or mood manipulation is very real. The resonating frequencies of the human mind are well known as are the frequencies it takes to induce feelings like anxiety, lethargy, lack of sleep or even euphoria. The only problem has been devising a system to disperse the signals on a large scale. This problem may well have been solved. The uses of this kind of technology are frightening as they could be used in everything from war to elections on a mass scale.

This is all well known to those in power. For instance these entries taken from a book by Zbignew Brzezinski, head of the Rand Corporation, the national security advisor to President Carter and election advisor to Barack Obama, written over 25 years ago reads:- “Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth … in this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period … no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages, to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.”

Well, that technology was being used on a small scale in the 1960s in Moscow on an unsuspecting US embassy so you can guarantee the world has been perfecting it during the following fifty years. So real is the possibility that a Bill was introduced into the US Congress in 2001 (HR 2977) called The Space Preservation Act. It was to reaffirm the non-militarisation of space and the upper atmosphere including provisions for HAARP and it’s potentials as a weapon. However the Bill went no further after receiving “unfavourable executive comment” from the Department of Defense.


When the military takes control of a science they are only interested in it’s military uses, none of which are good for us or the planet. They have been zapping our atmosphere for the last 60 years and now that HAARP has been operating since the 1990s we have seen what can only be described as a fever descend on the earth.

The planet operates a very intricate and sensitive system, almost like a single living organism. It’s atmosphere is made up of many different concentric layers interlaced with a veritable spiders web of magnetic force lines, planetary power grids and a vast range of creatures and ecosystems that rely on these being in balance. A facility like HAARP is cutting through those grids and sending disruptive signals through those power lines. It is not then surprising that the earth seems to be letting off a lot of steam to try to redress the balance of what we could call the mental abuse they are inflicting on the planet with facilities like HAARP

One of the clearest indicators of these effects is the animal life. We have seen birds, fish and other creatures suffering problems with migration due to changes in the electromagnetic fields of the earth. We are also seeing in the last 15 years the disappearance of the bees who are extremely sensitive to electro-magnetic fields. Without bees we will starve within five years, yet no effort seems to have been made to correlate this with experiments of this sort.

What they are doing to the atmosphere is fraught with unknowns that may or may not have catastrophic results when they next crank up the HAARP beam for the biggest energy boost yet. This atmosphere belongs to all of us. Whatever they do affects us all. It should not be theirs to experiment on or risk destroying. It is time the people started taking responsibility and asking questions about these questionable experiments, even if only to eliminate them from suspicion. However, once something like this gets into military hands, then very little good ever comes of it.

The Banksters’ Media Bait And Switch Is On Again

April 11, 2010


In the last few days there have been a number of surprising media reports describing the extent of the banking fraud that has taken place. Surprising because they have appeared on the controlled corrupt mainstream television stations.

Over the last few months there has been a slow build up of coverage on Conservative supporting controlled corrupt media networks like Fox News where shills like Glen Beck feign support for the End the Fed movement and interview Ron Paul. He produces his blackboard charts to explain it while all the time maintaining a partizan line to make it a Democrat and Obama issue so as to maintain the false left right political party paradigm. Glen never delves deep enough to expose the real fraud.

However the latest twist is this (below), a segment from the Liberal supporting controlled corrupt media outlet MSNBC. This is the surprise in that this analysis does not make it party political. It flat out exposes the fraud for what it is, collusion between bankers, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and politicians to defraud and continue to defraud the people of the country and the world. No defence of the Democrats as would be expected. Now the question is why, and why now?


We have seen and heard over the last twelve months numerous calls for a global governance. These sentiments were echoed at the G20 summit last year by the obvious New World Order shills like Obama, Brown, Sarkozy and Merkel. However that would never be accepted by the people of the world and so it has been, and is, being implemented department by department. We all experienced the attempt to give the WHO control of the world’s health in the swine flu hoax. Now we are seeing the continuance of the push to give the World Bank control of all nations’ monetary policy

We have heard calls from all the usual suspects above for global financial governance and a global currency. Surprisingly also we have seen the Russian Prime minister and the Chinese echoing these ideas. To date these calls seem to have fallen on deaf ears, until now, when the seemingly deliberate zombifying of the banks, who are withholding any commercial lending, has deepened the economic crisis and stifled recovery from the recession to a point where even countries are going bankrupt. It is at this point that the Sarkozys and Browns in this fraud are calling for a global financial governance again. However more subtly this time by making the reasoniong that we need a global financial regulation because of the international nature of the banking misdeeds and errors.

A subtle way indeed of giving power to the World Bank to control the currency markets and banking systems of the world through “regulation” and to implement a worldwide tax on banking transaction. Brown this week spoke of the need for international regulation as the only way to stop this kind of banking fraud happening again. My estimate would be that they plan to implement this takeover by 2011. Firstly because it takes time to build up a media frenzy to support the idea, and secondly because there is still a lot of money to be screwed out of the people as the orchestrators of the fraud in the largest banks and darkest rooms of government have planned for many years at their co-ordinating meetings like Bilderberg

Jim Tucker, the editor of American Free Press and tireless follower of Bilderberg for 35 years, has this week revealed the date and venue for the next Bilderberg meeting and has also revealed through his sources inside the Bilderberg that the members want to prolong the recession for another year. Remember that Bilderberg is cross party and has a single agenda so whoever you think represents you really only represents them

This revelation correlates with the recent change in the way the media is reporting this fraud now. For the global financial governance by the International Bankers to become acceptable to the people, the media (which they also own) will have to convince the population that the existing banking system and the Federal Reserve (again which they also own) is the cause of this global meltdown. They will have to spend media time developing the populist clamour for action against the banks and the Fed. The need to drum up popular support for this new global regulation.

The mere fact that despite all the outrageous unconstitutional legislation passing through the Houses in Washington, the one seemingly anti-government Bill that remains alive and with massive cross party support is the Audit the Federal Reserve Bill from Ron Paul. True the Bill is stalled at the moment but we need to ask why is it stalled? Are they just waiting for the right moment to release it? Otherwise why does it still exist at all when no other anti-government Bill survives? It seems clear that the Bill after decades of trying has finally been let through thus far for the very reason we are reading here. As a tool to bring down the bankers’ own system so that they can re-emerge as a global banking system. Saviors of the world economy. Phoenix from the ashes, order out of chaos, these are their age old methods and mantras.

The indicators are pointing at another few months of media posturing and witch hunting along with further bailouts and tax rises. There will probably be a G20 announcement this year on June 27th in Canada of a new global regulatory system. We will have to wait and see what Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin get out of the Bilderberg meeting in July before we find out what the plan for the dollar collapse leading to a new global reserve currency will be but it will probably coincide with around G20 2011. Look out for a numerologically significant date for this announcement as it is a cornerstone of the NWO. It might possibly be September 11th 2011 as this would be the 20th anniversary of Bush’s public proclamation of the NWO

In one respect we might count ourselves lucky because at the Bilderberg 2007, where they decided to pull the plug on the world economy, there was a discussion reported by an insider that two factions in the Bilderberg wanted different length depressions. One faction wanted this short one to two year crash, while the older group wished to see a thirty year depression that would cause global death and mayhem.


Some people reading might think this is all speculation. It can however be easily shown to be an old trick these same Banksters have successfully used before to pull off similar frauds.

Back in 1913 a small group of Bankers, through the Federal Reserve Act, took over the issuance of money and hence control of the US economy. How could the people of the US possibly support such a crazy idea? Simple. They were persuaded that it was the complete opposite of what those same bankers wanted. How? Even simpler. Two methods were used, the same two methods that are being used today.

The bankers headed by the Warburgs, (who was an agent for Rothschild) along with the main banking houses of the day including names like Rockefeller, JP Morgan etc drew up the Act in a secret meeting on Jeckyl Island. The plan was to get it implemented by the man they would finance into the Presidency in the 1912 election, one Woodrow Wilson. His agreement to enact the Bill was part of the deal. A deal about which he later wrote of his regret that he had handed over control of the country to the banks. Wilson as we know was elected and the Act was passed. But how?

Well prior to this JP Morgan had sent his minions to find out how many of the country’s top newspapers and magazines it would take to control public opinion. He discovered that it would only take 25 of the most popular titles. So JP Morgan bought up these titles and installed an editor in each who would follow specific content policies. This was not only the conduit for the election of Wilson, but it was used to gain support for the Federal Reserve Act. Morgan published article after article in his newly acquired press telling the readers how the bankers were outright against the imposition of the Federal Reserve Act as regulation on their activities after the stock market crash they had orchestrated in 1907 and the Standard Oil scandal of the Rockefellers before that. This was a lie of course as the bankers would own the Fed and wrote the Act in the first place but the public bought it and called on their congressmen to implement the Act which they unwittingly did

So you see filling the bank owned news media with fabricated stories of the banks opposition to new regulation was a smokescreen then and it is a smokescreen now. The media will now persuade the public to call for the system to be dismantled and a world regulatory system put in it’s place. They may even ask for a cashless system with total control of your account transactions if the bankers wish to oppose that too in their media. Both of which of course the bankers want more than anything as they also own and run the World Bank and hence own us.

As much as the bankers owned the press in Morgan’s lifetime, they own the media now. All the main TV, radio and printed news is owned by banking holding companies. Most news outlets no longer even have their own on the ground reporters and rely on news from Reuters and Associated Press from around the world. Both of these “independent” news agencies are however owned by Rothschild Banking house. It is then quite easy to see why the news is reported so obviously skewed these days in many issues from terrorism and war to the economy and Israel.


As above the timing of the banking switch is not yet set in stone. A lot of balls must line up. There is still a lot of money to be made before the economy and the dollar are finally destroyed. Currently many countries around the world are still in the process of bailing out big banking investors with people’s future taxes. There is also the metal markets derivative bubble that is still inflating. There is also the derivatives bubble being inflated now using packaged up pensions policies sold on ad infinitum. If the world economy is going to go through a system change then these bankers will milk it for all it’s worth, in fact for more than it’s worth before they burst all of those bubbles together and bring the whole thing crashing to it’s knees. By the time this happens though they will have bought up everything of value like land, minerals, water, roads, ports, etc etc using your future bail out money and derivative money that never actually existed.

What then? Well in a state of world bankruptcy and all assets in the hands of the few there is but one scenario. Feudal slavery. Much like now under the chapter 11 bankrupt countries we operate in now, but with less choice or even perceived idea that we are free. A world welfare state of a million rules for a few benefits. Roll on the revolution I say.

Proof the big corporations are behind this genocide ?

November 4, 2009


Below is an IBM internal document called “Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview,”. It is an official inter-departmental document that was distributed to upper-level management of IBM, France in 2006. Disclosed in this secret document was the prediction of a  pandemic described as having a “100% chance of occurring within the next 5 years.”

The document also describes “quarantines”and operational procedures to be taken upon the official announcements of the “pandemic”by the World Health Organization. IBM’s primary concerns are focused on maintaining their workforce, even under an official quarantine, and the continuation of sales and services to their clients.

What is so strange about this document? (page 1 and 2 below)


The document has a list of “assumptions” in which it states with a certain dramatic certainty that there will be a pandemic in the next five years following 2006. Perhaps that was an elaboration simply to confirm the importance of the plan? Then it goes on to say that there will be 2 pandemic waves of 12 weeks each with a 12 week gap. That seems a very accurate assumption, but ok let’s just say that these are perameters for a mock up.

The thing that seems strange however is the statement that IBM’s Corporate VP will trigger the contingency plan “a few days ahead of the WHO official trigger”. How could they do this without inside knowledge? At best from an insider at the WHO, or at worst as an insider in a planned pandemic.

This is no smoking gun alone, but in the context of the full knowledge of IBM’s links with the Global Elite, with the RFID, and with their checkered history during WWII developing the accounting system for the inmates of the concentration camps, perhaps we should err on the side of caution and favour the latter kind of inside knowledge.

The real reason for Obamacare. . . . . . . . . Mandatory vaccines or NO insurance !

November 3, 2009


Isn’t it amazing the lengths the elites will go to to force us to poison ourselves with these toxic vaccines. If you look behind the reasons for the whole push for the Obamacare national insurance program you find one very interesting result. The insurance is Mandatory yet the insurers will not be covering you unless you are are vaccinated.

This article is from “your online”

Will Fed.Government’s Proposed Mandatory Health Insurance Work?

Understanding Health Reform

The Government’s proposed mandatory health insurance has been the headline of most news media and on most American’s minds these past months. But, there have been many reports, studies and surveys that show Americans will most likely “not comply” with the mandate of health insurance as reported by the Insurance Research Council.

Most Americans are concerned about how the government office will enforce such a mandate as “regulation is only as good as enforcement.” Also reported in the recent studies of the Insurance Research Council is that some people are “simply irresponsible and look to others to buy their insurance.”

With the government proposed order of making it mandatory for all Americans to have health insurance, many wonder about the affordability for the insurance. As the nation’s unemployment rate rises, more and more people will drop those expenses necessary to “make ends meet.”

However, under the proposed health reform, those Americans who refuse to purchase health insurance could face monetary penalties. The fines speculated in the health reform bill currently being reviewed by Congress could reach $1,000 for offenders. The Congressional Budget Office has reported that these fines to offenders caught without health insurance could raise billions in dollars over a ten-year period.

What Will Be Considered Mandatory

The Federal Government’s proposed mandatory health insurance will mean mandatory vaccinations/immunizations. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that for anyone who refuses to keep up-to-date vaccinations, under the new health reform, you will not be able to obtain any health care you may need until immunizations are current.

It was also reported that the new health care reform bill was submitted with a provision that those doctors and hospitals who are not “meaningful users” of the new reform system will also be faced with fines and penalties. As well as the Secretary of Health and Human Services will be “permitted to impose more stringent measures of meaningful use over time.”

So it seems there is no escape from this poison. Without insurance you are committing an offense. With it you MUST vaccinate. There is such a push to do this that people must start asking WHY? Why do they desperately want to get these chemicals into us?What is the real purpose of this? What part of us are they trying to inhibit or destroy? These are the questions you should be seeking the answers to.

I cannot offer a solution to the Obamacare problem should it go through other than draw a line in the sand right here and don’t let it happen.

Get your free Obamaphone

October 25, 2009


Here is an interesting development in the control grid society. Free phones and free call minutes for people on Federal Government assistance programs, food stamps, etc. Now why would the Federal Government want to give free phones away with free calls to everyone on any type of welfare or housing program?


Site adress

Here is a breakdown of the info on the site. Note that at the bottom of every info page you will find a box asking for your zip code to apply for a phone.


Lifeline Benefits

Lifeline Assistance is part of a program that was created by the government to provide discounted or free telephone service to income-eligible consumers. To help bring you this important benefit, SafeLink Wireless is proud to offer Lifeline Service. Through our Lifeline Service you will receive FREE cellular service, a FREE cell phone, andFREE Minutes every month! SafeLink Wireless Service does not cost anything – there are no contracts, no recurring fees and no monthly charges.

Any Minutes you do not use will roll-over. Features such as caller ID, call waiting and voicemail are all also included with your service. If you need additional Minutes, you can buy TracFone Airtime Cards at any TracFone retailer Walmart, Walgreens, Family Dollar, etc). SafeLink Airtime Cards will be available soon.

Your exact benefits, including the number of free Minutes you will receive, depend on the state you live in. Please enter your ZIP code to get the details for your state.

How to Qualify

The process to qualify for Lifeline Service depends on the State you live in. In general, you may qualify if…

  • You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.


  • Your total household income is at or below 135% of the poverty guidelines set by your State and/or the Federal Government.


  • No one in your household currently receives Lifeline Service through another phone carrier.

  • You have a valid United States Postal Address. In order for us to ship you your free phone you must live at a residence that can receive mail from the US Post Office. Sorry, but P.O. Boxes cannot be accepted.

  • In addition to meeting the guidelines above you will also be required to provide proof of your participation in an assistance program, or proof of your income level.

    How to Apply

    The process to apply for SafeLink Wireless Service depends on the state you live in. In general, there are several different ways to apply.




    This seems a little strange at a time when the country is bankrupt, that they would run a program like this. I suppose many who still believe that the Republicans are a separate party from the Democrats might say this was buying votes from the poor leading up to the 2010 elections. Perhaps but we have learned that it doesn’t matter who controls the houses on Capital Hill, the same agenda moves forward regardless.

    My feelings would be more towards the surveillance society being put into place. We have seen stories this year about mobile phones being used by the NSA as listening devises even when the phone is not being used. We are also aware that the NSA now records all your calls. Well many people still use cell phones that are unregistered to avoid this type of interference. This new program however requires a name, date of birth, and zip code to apply for one. This will enable the NSA to identify everyone with one of these phones to an address.

    Offering this free will also make many people forego their privacy. The same thing has been mooted with internet access, whereby people will be offered a limited service for free. The desire is to remove as many people as possible from the full exposure of the internet. This was talked about in the Internet2 discussions.

    Perhaps it isn’t that sinister at all and they simply want us to get brain cancer ?

    Winning the infowar has consequences, they always have a Plan B

    October 19, 2009





    Over the last few months the balance in the information war has swung quite measurably away from the control of the New World Order on so many fronts that it now seems almost inevitable that they will have to revise their incrementalist plans. They will find that they have been pushed into more drastic action. Those many fronts in the infowar have brought to light some of their illusions to the previously unaware public. 

    Let us discuss just one example and what that might mean. The New World Order now has a few problems with Obama


    Barack Obama was intended brownshirt-obamato be the smooth talking car salesman who was going to bring in the NWO’s next phase of their plan. He was to further their push towards globalisation under the rule of a one world government, themselves of course, in a pseudo Stalinist/Maoist/Fascist style regime. His role is to develop the organised youth support, and controlled education, that all these systems have used to control thought and behavior, all centred around a charismatic leader. However, they seem to have run into more problems than they originally bargained for. 

    Many of their Bills are stalling on oath_keeper_patchCapital Hill, health, gun control, among others,  and the level of active dissent among the public is much greater than the group behind Obama (and Bush etc) might have bargained for. The dissent has spread  to the police and armed forces with the oath keeper movement.  

    vaccine2The medical fraternity has also been the backbone of the resistance to the flu vaccination program which was to beta test the population for medical martial law, and it has had the opposite effect of opening everyone’s eyes to the hoax of the entire vaccination regime altogether. The country seems also to have cottoned on to the whole false flag modus operandi this government has relied upon and is demanding truth and will be harder to fool again. 

    Even the recent fixing of the Nobel Peace obama-super-bowl-mvpPrize so it could be awarded to Obama to further enhance the fallacy of his “savior” status seems to have backfired royally. All around the world the news was greeted with haughty laughter at the sheer blatant nonsense of the “win” for a man who was only in office 9 days when the nominations closed. Instead of ingratiating him it simply awoke more sleeping masses to the fact that the whole system is a complete fake.


    Don’t believe for a moment however that these people don’t have a plan for every eventuality. They have not held onto power for thousands of years for the lack of planning.  Even today the NWO press is gearing us up with stories of Iran demanding revenge for the killing of their military commanders in a series of attacks believed to have been planned by US, UK, Israeli and Pakistani intelligence. They are in effect trying to set the scene for mainland US and UK attacks if they can get away with it. These people are nothing if not persistent and they will have a plan B, C, D and E if needs be.

    Let’s examine then the issue that is about to cause the Globalists a real headache. Obama’s eligibility to be President


    The Obama team has spent millions of your dollars preventing lawobama-birth-certificate suits coming to court rather than simply show a birth certificate to put the story to bed. They defeated a number of soldiers who refused to re-deploy until they were assured of his eligibility to be President. All of this the mainstream media managed to spin into “proof of his eligibility” or simply ignored it altogether. After all those setbacks the people did not give up and now a Federal Judge has set January 25th 2010 as the date that the Obama team must prove in court, once and for all, his eligibility to be President.

    Surprisingly for the NWO Globalists, with all the mainstream media cover-ups of this story over the last two years, the information is still getting out. Even this week a story from 2004 was unearthed from Obama’s Senate campaign in which he was declared as Kenyan born.


    This seems pretty damning, but I did say that there would be a plan B, and Plan B has already happened. That was to ignore, deny and ridicule the suggestions. It didn’t work. Next came Plan C, which was to use the White House legal team to bury these cases. Yet still they come. 

    We are currently seeing Plan D in action, which is to make any reference to Obama’s past simply disappear. How is this done? Well below is a link to an interesting article that outlines some recent editing of this particular part of history.  


    If you remember the George Orwell novel 1984, then you may remember that Winston Smith’s job was to go back through historical media, like newspapers, and edit the stories to match the current and ever changing rhetoric that the INGSOC party were offering to the proletariat as reality. 

    This is exactly what has happened lately on the Obama history, with archived news stories disappearing or being edited to remove any mention of Obama’s Kenyan past.

    The beauty of the computer age however, is that we can prove this has been done by saving screenshots of these articles first like this by Associated Press.

    Snapshot 2009-10-18 23-43-43


    This is only possible IF you have an Apple Mac, because the New World Order company Microsoft removed that function from their PCs many many many years ago. You political-pictures-bill-gates-nickle-windowsmay understand now how so much effort was put into cornering the world computer market. A man I knew from Austin, Texas once said to me about the Microsoft / Apple Mac battle …. “It is the greatest victory of marketing over technology”. He was right because the PC, while taking 90% of the market, was still 10 years behind the Apple Mac in technological terms. Well now you know why. Bill Gates, through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is now busy on a worldwide Eugenics program promoting unnecessary vaccinations in the third world


    Don’t believe for a minute this type of thing started here. It has been going on forever. Many of the early (true) media stories from 9/11 have been pulled from the Networks’ and Newspapers’ own archives and survive now only in public media sharing sites like YouTube. Many a damning report showing the Eugenics agenda of the UN has been pulled from their website too (try and find the Bio-diversity report 1996 that called for a population reduction worldwide to just 500 million). Search links in Google and Yahoo for “truther news articles” have been removed from the search engines. Even sites like National Geographic have recently banned any debate on 9/11 in it’s “Myth Busters” section

     Mythbusters 911


    This kind of  censorship has always been rife. From Hitler’s burning of books to the banning of so many texts in America by the religious right. Even today if you try to find a copy of the Iron Mountain report you will find they have all been removed from libraries

    This Orwellian nightmare of censoring reality is everywhere, in news media, science, history, energy, medicine, religion, education etc etc. Virtually everything has been tampered with to fit the reality they create for us

    Obama wouldn’t do that surely? Well you should be aware that the very first piece of legislation that Obama signed on his first day was an Executive Order that returned the Presidential Records Act to it’s operational status during Reagan’s time. Yes it removed a complicated Executive Order placed upon it by George W Bush, but it did nothing to create the transparency he promised. He maintained the system that will allow him to literally “Classify” all personal details of the President until 12 years after his term ends, unless his specific permission is granted for their release. This will of course include the birth certificate.


    So what are the NWO going to do about this if Plan D fails? Plan E has been used before when there is an unavoidable and impending hearing. Threatening or killing of key witnesses is an often used tactic of the CIA. It was popular in the Clinton and Bush administrations and will be again. Many sudden and strange deaths surround the many Clinton scandals, linking them to approximately 110 deaths by some commentators’ reckoning.

    imagesKey witnesses to bombs exploding on 9/11, like Barry Jennings and Kenny Johannemann have been suicided in strange circumstances before they conld testify. Kenneth Johannemann 220 JPG80The same happened in the DC Madam case days before the testimony. The most notable and long running saga must be the 20 or more bio-chemists murdered or suicided in the last 15 years who had high ranking status in the fields of vaccines and biological warfare. The list of scandals is only the tip of the iceberg.

     An accessory, being the mainstream press, makes these acts all the more simple to get away with and cover up as we have often seen. I hope we don’t, but we may well see a Plan E soon because beyond that is Plan F, and that is the

    bush-fingerdrastic new event that winning this infowar will push the NWO into. An event on a scale so large thatthey can force a complete military takeover of the United States under the emergency powers GW Bush carefully put into place in readiness. These people leave nothing to chance.


    What might Plan F be? Well any number of things can trigger a nationwide emergency, the suspending of the constitution and handing over of power to NORTHCOM.

    1 Complete financial collapse, food shortages, civil unrest and rioting. This is very likely considering the new stock market bubble is being falsely inflated on the back of an ever deteriorating real economy. The economy is still shrinking and jobs are still hemorrhaging  at half a million a month. The GDP is falling and the dollar is deflating, yet the stock market goes over 10,000 in a few months. Even a ten year old can see this is wrong and that it is being falsely inflated by the same crooked Verichip-1banksters who fleeced you all a year ago in readiness to be burst some time in the near future to steel everything that remains of your wealth. Martial law will be enforced to quell the violence and chipping will occur to replace the now worthless money with a cashless society to stop black market trading.

    2 False flag biological attack or disease outbreak. This would have to be much deadlier than the center_for_disease_controlsimple H1N1 flu, which is really only a beta test they are running at the moment to see how strong the resistance will be. This will allow medical martial law and medical RFID chipping to put everyone into the control grid, or to protect you all from homegrown terrorists who allegedly released the biological agent

    3 False flag terrorist attack on a massive scale, possibly nuclear, possibly multiple targets. Immediate martial law, chipping and probably war with whoever they decide to blame. Many stories have surfaced over the years about suitcase nukes brought in by Israelis or of nukes hidden in 22 American cities, left over from the cold war that are now maintained for just this event. The sources for these stories are not totally convincing to be honest but they are well within the realms of possibility


    All of these you have probably thought of yourselves as possibilities. However, we must remember that these people are capable of absolutely anything, and are utterly soulless regarding not only us, but even those people they use to carry out their agenda. Hence I offer you more suggestions on a theme that would concur with the increasingly “fast tracked” nature of the NWO’s activities of late. I stop short of calling them panicked, because as I say these people always have an alternative plan. So we must consider other possibilities as follows.

    4 NWO assassination (a la JFK) of the now “lame duck” Barack Obama. assassination-plot-to-kill-obamaThis will be blamed on white militia in  America linked to the fictional “Al Qaeda”. This will prompt the military lock down of the nation, chipping everyone with RFID as everyone is a suspect now, and possibly the linking of Iran to the event to start a new war. Of course this ruse has been seen through before after Iraq so this may not be strong enough an event so:-

    5 False flag nuclear attack on Washington DC nuclear_suitcase_bomb_nuketaking out the entire government (less a few who got the nod to be elsewhere, Jay Rockefeller for instance). This will be blamed on “white Al Qaeda” funded by Iran. Immediate martial law under NORTHCOM and chipping everyone will ensue. War and conscription of the unemployed will be immediate. The first strike nuclear option will be used, which will serve to inflame the entire region into World War III


    So plan F is looking extremely bleak, but what if we looked at this another way. A way that would not fulfill the worst fears of those who are expecting the NWO to attempt to play out the Revelations story from the Christian bible. Instead the Elites might use Plan G. Let’s call it Plan Gateway

    6 Why Gateway? Well this Obama eligibility problem may well be no accident. It may be a well timed and well executed scheme towards something that none of you have been expecting. This eligibility issue can be used as a large enough and divisive enough issue (to Democratic Sheeple) to demand the opening up the Constitution itself to solve the problem and allow Obama to remain President by changing the 14th Amendment and applying it retrospectively to Obama.

    Moves have been made before to change the rules regarding Presidents. There was, if you remember, a Bill circulating in Washington this year to repeal the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution which limits the number of terms of a President to two terms.

    This isn’t the first time 3250581446_5573ed519d_mthis has been attempted as a Bill was introduced in 2003 also in an effort to get Bill Clinton to run against Bush in 2004. Bill wasn’t the first to try it either. Power has been the lure of dangerous men since time began

    The intent is to remove these limits, opening the door to dictatorship. Dictatorship would be simple in light of the fact that computer voting has been rigged for the last two election and this ability to rig results has even been admitted to a Congressional hearing by the writer of the software. Hence the intention to change the Constitution is clear by this and by the plethora of legislation that virtually nullifies every one of the Amendments over the last ten years.


    Setting up to lose this court case in January may enable the NWO to convene a Continental Congress to change the Constitution in light of the revelation that Obama was indeed born outside the United States of America. Extrapolating this it becomes apparent that if waldheimchanged you could end up with an Austrian born, Nazi supporting, President called Arnold Schwarzenegger in the future, but that is another story

    So what, we change the 14th Amendment to allow leniency on birth status, case closed, move on. Well not exactly. When the Continental Congress is convened the Constitution is not opened just for the 14th Amendment. No, the entire Constitution becomes open for change. Yes everything is on the table. Have absolutely no doubts, the Globalist NWO will have the meeting filled with their people. Once this happens the Constitution and Bill of Rights as you knew them will be gone forever.



    I know within the NWO there are groupings. the older members may well be getting wary of the younger group who do not seem to share their David Rockefellerlust for destruction. This may be an issue in the fast-tracking of the agenda. Perhaps even a little bit of urgency by those who want to see results in their lifetime has crept in. Human pride has undone many a dictator. However I feel there is enough zealotry in the new environmental groupings to finish the job “for our own good”

    What the USA will look like after these people get their hands on the Constitution I cannot imagine but it goes without saying that you will be less free than you are now and that is barely recognisable from the original intentions of the document as it is. I feel that recent appointees to the Supreme Court may have a pivotal role to play in the outcome of this and I cannot imagine they have been selected for their duty to uphold the Constitution as it stands as many rulings by these people have shown in recent years.

    The only way out of this is to deny Obama any route back if he loses the case n January. Deal with it by having another election. Very little re-canvassing needs to be done. Perhaps a miracle will happen and Ron hillary-obamaPaul will win, but I fear that these people may even have a plan H for that eventuality. Plan H …….. President Hilary Clinton. Perhaps that was the long term objective all this time. A New World Order stalwart and a figurehead for the new matriarchal age. Well who knows ?


    As a closing note I have noticed a lot of indicators pointing towards something key happening in the last week of October 2009. I have no idea what it might be but everything they do is linked someway so keep this story in mind and be aware of false flags 

    New York Authorities do everything possible to stop a new 9/11 investigation

    October 13, 2009

    I have had a two month break from disseminating reality from the news here in this web page. The reason being is that, although the infowar is a good thing, there comes a time when we have to do more than spread information. We have to start to take action if we are to achieve real change. this is where I have been. This is why I also start with a similar story of people who really did take action and what happened to them this week.

    NYC CAN Verdict: 80,000 Silenced by State Supreme Court

    NYC CAN Verdict: 80,000 Silenced by Supreme Court

    Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied

    October 9, 2009

    Yesterday afternoon, Justice Edward Lehner of the State Supreme Court rubberstamped Referee Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the decision to establish a local commission to investigate the events of September 11th not be put before the voters on November 3rd.

    After showing interest in weighing both sides’ arguments in the hearing, the Judge’s short decision gives no indication of having considered the arguments put forth in the Petitioners’ memorandum of law, nor any acknowledgement of the need for a new investigation, which the City of New York callously dismissed as “irrelevant”.

    On a dark day for democracy, the patriotic call for answers by hundreds of 9/11 families, first responders and survivors has been stifled, and the will of the people of New York City once again denied.

    Judge Lehner ruled that modifying the petition to make it “legally permissible” would result in it being “inconsistent with the law sought by the signatories of the Petition” despite the fact that all 80,000 signatories agreed by signing the Petition that “If any provision of this law is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall be in no manner affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect.”

    The deadline for inclusion on the ballot falls just before the election, making it possible to appeal Judge Lehner’s decision. NYC CAN is weighing all options and will make an announcement early next week on this issue, as well as on how it will be moving forward on other fronts. Regardless of the outcome in court, the quest for answers continues full throttle.

    This fight is only the beginning.


    So what are we seeing here?

    The petition was carried out under instruction from the City to get it on the Ballot at the elections. All parameters were fulfilled, and what happens when it is presented to the Authorities with 50,000 MORE signatures than they actually needed? They tried everything they possibly could to stop the petition succeeding. First declaring their weren’t enough real signatures. Then saying it was invalid, leaving NYCCAN to take it to court to force them to accept the request. In this attempt they come up against all the legal forces the City could muster to stop this attempt to force a new investigation into 9/11. In the end it seems a crooked judge was enough to stymie the investigation

    “Irrelevent” said the judge, that the victims’ families want the truth and answers to the questions that the 9/11 Commission Cover-up report deliberately refused to deal with. The biggest unsolved crime in American history is “Irrelevent” apparently. Now why do you suppose a man of the law would come to a conclusion like that ? Isn’t it his business to discover the truth? Doesn’t this arouse your suspicion ?

    Ask yourself then :

    Why would the City of New York Authorities fight tooth and nail to stop any attempt to solve this crime ?

    Why would they try every way possible to ignore 80,000 New Yorkers demanding answers ?

    Why would they deny the families of the victims the answers to the questions they need ?

    Why would a judge deny the petition that conformed to all the rules required by the City ?

    What do these people have to hide and who are they really protecting ?

    If you are unable to come up with a reasonable answer to all of these questions then you are forced to conclude that there is something VERY wrong going on here. There is a conspiracy of silence and a contrived effort to stop the investigation of the crime. Now if you have concluded there is something being concealed, then ask yourself what could it be? Isn’t it time you went and found out what it is they are concealing and who is being protected. So much has changed in the world since that day and they don’t want you to find out whether it happened the way they said it happened, why? 

    It seems plain that a deliberate cover-up is going on to prevent the truth reaching the world. This is only one aspect of the cover-up that started that very morning in 2001 and it implicates Federal and State officials, media and military personal, as well as politicians, finance, secret service, law enforcement and now even judiciary. Ask yourself then, how are these people linked ? What common goal do they share that excludes the mass of the people ? This incident must make you all aware now that you are being lied to, and the reality they present to you is not reality at all. It is their smokescreen for removing any rights you had left in the following years.

    Now you see this and your head is full of questions, go and research and stand up with these 80,000 and the millions of others like them, and demand change and justice. If you cannot get it from those elected officials then remove them from office and replace them with people who are honest, who will do your bidding. Be the change you want.

    The Aged Elite

    August 18, 2009
    Is it just me or have you also wondered how it is that those “elites”, who decide every aspect of our existence from law to power to medicine and food, manage to live so damn long and still be so incredibly active ?

    (Note : This blog is purely anecdotal at this time and requires more research. I would welcome any confirmation or examples to the contrary to assist me with this assessment. Please leave suggestions in the comments)

    Really when you look at these people who are still jet setting around the globe and active in politics and behind the scenes, then you are told that they were actually in politics during Nixon’s time, it hits you just how old these people really are.

    Look at David Rockefeller as a prime example. He is the patriarch of an enormous business empire and has tentacles in foundations all over the world. He is active in all the shadow government groups he helped set up and run back in the 1950s  up to this day. He is 94 and still flying all round the world chairing these New World Order meetings.

    and kissinger looked old back then

    and kissinger looked old back then

    There is his right hand man Henry Kissinger who seems to have been around in politics since Kennedy and now at 86 is still working for the new Obama administration and running his own group as well as driving the New World Order agenda

    Daddy Bush is still deeply involved in the New World Order agenda behind the scenes and is a spritely 85,  and even George Jr is riding a mountain bike at 63 now he doesn’t have to play President anymore

    Jimmy Carter is back in the fold of government and still flying around as an envoy looking as fit at 84 as he did in 1979

    Then we have the energetic public speaker Zbignew Brzezinski who was a key adviser to Obama’s election campaign and still is a National Security Adviser to the US government through his Rand Corporation and is still jet-setting around the world pushing the globalist agenda at a spritely 81 as he has done since working for Carter in his Presidency

    Alan Greenspan (ex Federal Reserve) is still out there doing the circuit imparting his Federal Reserve propaganda at 82. Warren Buffet is still an active central member of the financial manipulators with his billions at 79 and of course the other New World Order financial hit man George Soros is still central and highly active in the current crisis at 79 and also managed to be Obama’s main backer and adviser

    There seem to be no end of extremely old politicians and advisors and bankers still out there pulling the strings. Leaders like Silvio Berlusconi still at the helm of a huge media empire and Prime Minister (if not dictator) of Italy at 73; or people like Madeline Albright who takes a new government job with Obama at 72.

    There are literally hundreds of these people in politics who seem to never go away. They are all in their late 60s, 70s and 80s and are taking on vast new portfolios of work. It seems like nothing has ever really changed.

    What I find strangest of all is the drive and energy they all have at such ages. What would drive someone to want to continue to be so directly and actively involved at such an advanced age? There is an old saying :

    “When you are on your deathbed will you be regretting that you didn’t spend more time at work?”

    It seems to me that these people believe they will. It is as if they cannot stop because there is something that they haven’t quite finished yet and if they don’t there will be hell to pay. Perhaps that is it. I have written before about the occult agenda of the New World Order so perhaps they believe that there will  literally be “Hell to pay” if they stop

    If you look at this world for the last 50 years we have had the same faces running the world, and running it into the mess we now see. They, as a cross party group have made sure that they continue to control our destinies for half a century. So do you not then conclude that what we have now in the world is exactly what they have been holding on to power to achieve?

    One other aspect of this is that it always seems strange to me that these people live so long, remain energetic and active, yet none of them seem to suffer from the same ailments that we suffer. To the best of my knowledge I cannot remember any of them in large numbers ever dying of cancer or suffering from dementia or any of the myriad of diseases that affect older people. None of them die of cancer yet new figures are showing now that one ion 3 people are getting cancer, and in many cases it is occurring in children. Why are they not proportionally equal, how are they seemingly immune?

    I can think of one or two politicians like Reagan who died suffering from Alzheimer’s but still he was very old. Most of these people seem to be sharp into the end of their days, despite the fact that we think they are idiots most of the time. You might think they don’t know what they are doing but they know exactly why they are doing it.

    The question asked then is why do they out live us and why do they not suffer with the same diseases we do? My own research has led me in many directions but the overriding assumption seems to be that the cures for all these diseases exist but are only available to the chosen elite. The knowledge of the simplicity of these cures is suppressed so while the rest of us are fed pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms, they are free to use the natural known cures that if you dig hard enough you will uncover as I have, and realise what a scam the pharmaceutical industry is

    The knowledge these people have kept from us like how to prevent and cure disease without medicine, or how to prolong life through certain nutrients has been their privileged information for as long as these inter-related bloodlines have ruled this planet and our suffering is their profit and power. Discovering the fountain of youth has always been at the forefront of their drive for power, the technology may finally have given them a chance now, but not for us.

    This current cabal we have endured for the last 50 years is coming to an end soon and they seem to be planning a huge going away party for themselves in war, and pharmaceutical genocide. Don’t expect the next group following them to be any different unless YOU do something to change it. Take back the government and take back the control of your health and life

    I would be interested to hear any comments and ideas about this subject to write a fuller expose if indeed this is not simply conjecture.



    Spotting Illuminati Messages

    August 14, 2009

    As you wake up from the imaginary world that is created for you, you more and more start to notice the hidden messages the controlling elites insert into their mass media. The purpose of this is two-fold. Firstly to subliminally brainwash us into acceptance of what is to come by inserting incidences of what is on the agenda into our entertainment media. The second purpose is that is is essential to the occult agenda of these people that we are told because they require our acceptance of our fate in order to create greater power for themselves.

    To this end I find that I see their symbolism everywhere now and I am unable to watch their media because the agenda is so obvious in everything I see now. This brings me to the case in point I by chance saw yesterday

    My young fella switched on the children’s TV programmes yesterday and when it came on there was a cartoon series called Buzz Lightyear of Starfleet Command


    We all know Buzz from Pixar’s Toy Story and having watched that too I do not recall anything overtly symbolic or mind controlling in those Pixar films. However now it is in the format of a TV cartoon series where Buzz and his friends battle the evil Emperor Zurg, I have noticed a change

    Let me explain then what messages were encoded into this episode. 

    1 – Emperor Zurg has an army of cyborgs or mechanically enhanced beings. This would mirror writings I have read on future trends in robotic warfare and the science of extracting the brain information from humans into computers, perhaps even androids in time when the hardware catches up.

    2 – Zurg takes over a planet called Roswell that is inhabited by small aliens with large almond eyes. These of course would represent us, but also double as an insight into the truth behind the Area 51 residents

    3 – Zurg says (in his own words) he will take control of the planet using his “Military Industrial Complex . . . . to enslave the people”. A clear confirmation of what has been happening here for the last 50 years since Eisenhower was US President, and a threat of what is to come as their endgame

    4 – Zurg greases the wheels of his take-over by enlisting the services of a particular evil collaborator. Again this can be seen in the co-opting of elements of our society over the decades and into the future to carry out the New World Order agenda. Here it is compartmentalized but there are plenty of willing assistants as well as blackmailed ones or frightened ones.

    5 – Zurg’s tyranny is actuated by the auto-contruction of an imprisoning environment that engulfs the peoples own lands. This auto-constructing phenomenum is reminiscent of the prison of legislation that is being built around the people of the western countries, especially Britain and the USA. It erects itself regardless of whether you try and stand in it’s way. It engulfs you even if you try to run from it.

    6 – There is one feature about the need for the Illuminati to tell you what is to happen to you and that is that they seem to have to also tell you how to stop it. In this cartoon the way in which the auto-constructing prison of tyranny is reversed is simple. All that is needed is to penetrate the system and remove the power core. For example, remove the President, Congress and Senate, or the Members of Parliament, and replace them with yourselves. Alternatively remove the power by not buying into what they want or sell. Once this was achieved and the fuel removed, Zurg was left to fight man to man with Buzz and of course on those terms Zurg loses without his Military Industrial Complex, Robots and Cronies to fight for him.

    7 – That was the good message but of course the Illuminati always tinge that with a message of hopelessness to mind control us into believing we cannot do this ourselves. This is done by having the population shown as helpless to help themselves and they can only be saved by a Superhero. Hence they sit back and wait for someone else to save them. this is the Jesus scenario, waiting for the second coming that has been mind-controlled into every religion


    This to the un-awake would look paranoid, and that is understandable, because unless you have done a lot of research into mind control techniques or the work of Edward Bernais or into the methodology of the occult and their agenda then you would not think it were possible

    Why now and not in Toy Story? Well back then Pixar stood alone. Now however Pixar has been bought out by Disney. Disney is a key member of the mind control agenda and long time Bilderberg Group and CFR member. You may remember Walt Disney’s open secret links to the intelligence services during the McCarthy era. His companies are now controlled by Zionist members of the Illuminati and have tentacles in many media outlets including film, television and games.

    When I saw this cartoon I first wondered was it an honest warning until I remembered who owns the production of the cartoon. There is a sinister onslaught of mind control in our children’s entertainment. It comes in the form of the behavior of their favourite characters, the ethics they portray, the meaningless rubbish they are taught to desire and venerate. The role models they are given, who are the complete opposite of what their parents would want for them. All designed to create dumbed down grown ups without a sense of value for what is really important in this world

    The sub-conscious messages that are inserted into programming, as described above in Starfleet Command, are everywhere and are designed to pre-programme the child’s mind to accept the oncoming agenda of the Illuminati. By planting these media images now the mind is not so shocked when they become reality so that the people will not stand up and say no, or fight back. By pre-conditioning them to expect this the people become more accepting and compliant.

    This has been going on for decades and is also one of the key methods of fooling the public into going along with the geo-political agenda of the Illuminati Anglo-American Empire. For example, the use of a controlled mass media over years had turned normal people who would not hurt their fellow man into a people who turn a blind eye to the killing of millions upon millions of Asian and Arabic people in the name of global commerce, and they now find it acceptable when it is dressed up as “fighting terror”.

    This should show you exactly how powerful this tool is that it can easily make people lose their humanity and their very soul. I hope you understand now why the Illuminati use this mind control on your children and that you will prevent this happening by first explaining the hidden messages to your children and secondly by boycotting the mainstream media. If you don’t see the propaganda, they cannot affect your mind

    Remember, we do not need a superhero. We are all superheros !